What Is Your Opinion of “Me and My Uncle” and Papa John Phillips?

Question by Ringo Fan (Over 40 in America): What is your opinion of “Me and My Uncle” and Papa John Phillips?
No, the Grateful Dead didn’t writet this song. They covered it. It was a John Phillips tune. Maybe some of you can enlighten us about the story behind the making of the song. (Scratches head) Something about John Phillips, various musicians including Judy Collins, having a considerable amount of alcohol and this song was the result of the evening. After an evening of tequila, Phillips forgot that he wrote song. Is that right?
John Phillips playing his own composition.

Here’s my childhood crush Joni Mitchell singing her version of the song. Wow, Joni was a cute little trollop back in the 60s.

Here is another version of the song.

And still another version with a string band.

This is a version of the Grateful Dead playing the tune. The Woodstock version seems very choppy compared to this later version. This is a signature cover tune for the Dead. Bob Weir sings it well.
I like this tune for them because there is not too much long jamming as the Dead is known for.
Okay, now what is your opinion of this song? What about the rumors about John Phillips being an irresponsible parent? Does scandal involving a songwriter affect the credibility of his songs? Are people more reluctant to play songs written by a scondrel?

Best answer:

Answer by John K
Haha “an irresponsible parent” is putting it mildly, considering what he’s been accused of. However, to be fair, he is not alive to defend himself, and his daughter has had a lifetime of drug issues of her own, so who knows what really happened? It certainly might be true, however.

I’ll answer your last questions first:

Frankly, I don’t really care about the biography of the songwriter; it’s the song that matters, not how the guy who wrote it spends his free time… While a scandal can make a song more (or less) poignant, that’s a judgement call that isn’t based on anything intrinsic in the recording.

I’m no more reluctant to play songs by a scoundrel than anyone else. I can still enjoy a Phil Spector extravaganza, even though the guy was a tool his whole life and is serving time for murder. I still love the Mamas and Papas, regardless of what John did (or might have done). Some of that music transcends reality; that is why it is timeless.

As for the song…

While the Mamas and Papas were effing great, thanks largely to Phillips, Phillips himself was not blessed with a great voice; he never could have pulled it off without Cass Elliott and Denny Doherty’s vocals. His solo career fizzled quickly; his first (and only) solo album went nowhere, and he spent the next decade in the grips of one of the worst drug addictions ever. Some posthumous albums have appeared; the best one is the one he recorded with the Rolling Stones in 1971, “Pay Back & Follow”, which has its moments… But he never really had any kind of focus after the Mamas and Papas broke up, and his last years were spent on the oldies circuit with a re-formed version of that group (which included his daughter in his ex-wife’s slot).

“Me and My Uncle” is without a doubt one of his best later songs; it tells a story, it is catchy, it doesn’t need a technically “good” voice. The clip you provided is certainly worth a listen.

But I think the Dead did a better version; Weir isn’t a great singer either, but he’s no worse than Phillips, who sounds shaky here, and the Dead’s backing beats Phillips’

Nice to see someone exploring the roots of the Dead, and nice to see Phillips getting some props for his music, instead of another beating for the posthumous scandal.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!