What Could Be Done to Improve the Mental Health Care System in America?

Question by esha26: What could be done to improve the mental health care system in America?
A general question but please be as specific as you like.

Best answer:

Answer by k-baby
Better insurance for one. Couselors and therapists with better qualifications and that actually care. Facilities that can better handle the different types of mental disabilities.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!


Pathway Identified in Human Lymphoma Points Way to New Blood Cancer

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Therefore, targeting protein synthesis downstream of Myc oncogenic activity may represent a promising new therapeutic window for cancer treatment,” adds Ruggero. The accumulation of … The University of Pennsylvania Health System's patient care …
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Filed under: drug treatment centers in pa

The top executives of New England Compounding Center are likely to be criminally prosecuted on federal charges that carry possible prison sentences, according to former prosecutors who cite the large number of people harmed, allegedly by … Drug and …
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At Last, Some Judicial Guidance In Health Care Mergers

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The last two, Medical Center at Elizabeth Place LLC v. Premier Health Partners3 and Healthamerica Pa. Inc., v. Susquehanna Health Sys.,4 explore postaffiliation challenges when merger was not the solution to the need to affiliate or consolidate, and …
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Apotex, Google, Lofgren, Uhlig: Intellectual Property

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In a petition filed yesterday in federal court in Chicago, closely held Apotex said a finding of non-infringement on one of two relevant patents will let it compete sooner with Mylan Inc., the maker of generic drugs that also intends to sell a version …
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