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What Are Valuable Statements That Would Lessen the Amount of Drug Use?

Question by Shelby: what are valuable statements that would lessen the amount of drug use?
example: penalties should be worse for those who drink and drive, that way less people will be willing to take that risk

something like that, except for drugs.
there also needs to be something in the statement that would stop or minimize drug use

Best answer:

Answer by gowpet
They have all the warnings, and info out there. There is even that show on A&E called intervention. People will continue to do what they want to regaurdless of any and all warnings.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!


Marital problems that lead to divorce revealed

Filed under: drug addiction help for parents

Fourthly, when a partner has a problem with addiction, the main focus of the addict is obtaining and consuming drug of their choice – rather than on the marriage and family. A person could appear quite successful to others outside the home but …
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Greg Zoeller praises Vigo County for taking initiative on officers in schools

Filed under: drug addiction help for parents

Over 60% of parents and guardians supported such a measure, and 80% of school administrators expressed their approval. Parents cited students bringing weapons to school as the primary concern, although bullying, fighting and drug abuse also ranked …


Bob Forrest on McCready: Blaming rehab show 'silly'

Filed under: drug addiction help for parents

And as you see, her last three years have been this reckless relationship between her and her parents, and never quite getting the help that she needed. It's just a mess. And just like in … They died of drug addiction and mental illness. Blame Dr …


Barbour County Officials Becoming Proactive About Drug Use in Schools

Filed under: drug addiction help for parents

They're making sure parents are talking to their kids about the dangers of drugs. This all started after … Because drug addiction has become an issue around the area, officials in Barbour County are making sure it doesn't become a problem there. The …
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