Vital Lifelines Cooked Up in the Lab

Vital lifelines cooked up in the lab

Filed under: in ma

Later this year the French drug company Sanofi will launch an anti-malaria drug also made from microbes. What is common between these two events is the technology that has been used to make them happen – and the scientist behind these efforts. Both the …
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Medjugorje priest coming to St. Anthony of Padua Church

Filed under: drug rehab in ma

Kralijevic also developed a program to help young men in drug rehab. "They come there for three years at a time, and the program is based on prayer and work," said Murphy. "They have had great success overcoming addictions." Ordained in Chicago in …


A-Rod's Future with Yankees is Uncertain

Filed under: drug rehab in ma

As MLB ramps up its investigation into the Florida anti-aging clinic linked to the sale of performance-enhancing drugs to Rodriguez and more than a dozen major league players, the three-time AL MVP quietly rehabs his surgically repaired hip at the …
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