The Most Successful Treatment Program for Alcohol Abuse and Drug Abuse?

Question by Sheerah: the most successful treatment program for and drug abuse?

Best answer:

Answer by Sarah
Rehab or therapy

Add your own answer in the comments!



Lunesta Addiction and Lunesta Abuse – – Lunesta Addiction and Lunesta Abuse – We can help you discover the best drug abuse and addiction treatment options for you – cal…


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5 Responses to The Most Successful Treatment Program for Alcohol Abuse and Drug Abuse?

  • Elmer J. Fudd says:

    !2 steps works decently enough however, I believe it to be kindergarten for sobriety. If you want to rid your self of these needs then you must go to the root problem. Many times it’s lack of self love, gratitude, and any presence of God in our lives. I know it sounds crazy but I dealt with a slew of addictions throughout my life both substance and behavioral. It wasn’t until I discovered peace, love of self and others, and spirituality that I was able to truly detach from those urges.

    As wild as it may seem . . . what have you got to lose?

  • D says:

    Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, for actually GETTING PAST the addiction. Seeing a therapist who understands your goals and understands that 12-Step Program is not for everyone.

    12-Step-based programs will insist, in almost hostile manner, that they are the only possible means of recovery. But people were getting sober long before the 1930s, when AA roots began. That said, I cannot dismiss the help that it has provided, and for a faith-based approach it may be ideal.

    Secular approaches such as SMART Recovery utilize CBT and leave spirituality up to the individual as a personal, private matter.

  • Ryan Thomas says:

    It didn’t do much for sleep, it was kinda like a benzo and it gives you a
    crappy taste. Also the next day I was very tired.

  • Awesomeastrid Mosaics says:

    I agree Lunesta and Ambien are addictive, They also have very dangerous
    side effects and even if prescribed for 7 to 14 days, the body is
    dependent. One does not have to abuse these sleep helpers,take their dose
    then stop. is all. Currently have 2 friends who landed in ER 1 from
    Lunesta, another from Ambien. Nether were abusing. Thanks for keeping
    people aware. Its pushed on people with Fibromyalgia and SLE and many
    illnesses that interrupt sleep.There are better ways to restore sleep.

  • jig dot says:

    Wish I read your comment 3 months ago. My body hurts all the time.

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