white house office of national drug control policy

Sanctuary Inc. Almost Has Payless Payday

Sanctuary Inc. almost has payless payday

Filed under: alcohol and drug treatment centers

She said the late payday is due to a delay in funds being released by the government of Guam for a contract between Sanctuary and the Behavioral Health and Wellness Center for drug and alcohol treatment services. Lujan said this is the first time …
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ACA turns drug, alcohol addiction into chronic disease

Filed under: alcohol and drug treatment centers

… deputy director of the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy. Expenses due to alcohol and drug misuse have reached $ 120 billion across the healthcare system, a huge opportunity for cost-cutting, and a perfect example of how accountable …
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VETERANS' CORNER: Despite efforts, military and vet suicide numbers rising

Filed under: alcohol and drug treatment centers

Divorce, drug use and alcohol abuse have increased substantially leading to this increase in suicides. This shift inside the military community in the past few years has the VA scrambling to offer as many suicide hotlines and prevention treatment …
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