water treatment

MAP to PROSPERITY: Government's Role Debated in Washington DC, WV

MAP TO PROSPERITY: Government's role debated in Washington DC, WV

Filed under: Portland Drug Treatment Help

The court system, for example, now includes the state Supreme Court, circuit courts, magistrate courts, family courts, treatment courts (adult and juvenile drug courts, an adult re-entry court as well as an adult mental health court), a mass litigation …
Read more on State Journal


Maine Voices: Position on marijuana should be based on science-backed

Filed under: Portland Drug Treatment Help

This has been the disturbing clinical observation of “early intervention” programs both around the world and here in Portland (the Portland Identification and Early Referral Program) that attempt to identify and treat young people at high risk of …
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Newtown shooter remains enigma

Filed under: Portland Drug Treatment Help

After prescribing Lanza a “small dose” of the drug, the nurse said, she received a call from Nancy reporting that he was “unable to raise his arm.” Koenig didn't believe the medication could cause such a side effect, but Nancy Lanza did and …
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Our top stories of 2013

Filed under: Portland Drug Treatment Help

Both the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality and Webb County Engineering Department cited several factors for the water quality, including poor management of the water treatment plant. “El Cuarenta” captured and “El Taliban” extradited. Miguel …
Read more on Laredo Morning Times