Looking for a Inpatient Alcohol Program for People on Medi-Cal?
Question by bella: Looking for a inpatient alcohol program for people on medi-cal?
My son recieves a social security check and has med-cal insurance.We live in Fullerton Calif.
Best answer:
Answer by stick man
I’m on the kansas version Medicaid. I have never used it though. Does his booklet that came with Medi-cal list the drug treatment programs? Or could his social security worker tell you who would take him for rehab? In the KS book there was a short list of who would treat drug/alcohol abuse.
Kansas Medicaid is broke. They turned it into an HMO. I have no idea how that helps. Only certain people will treat me. My family doctor won’t take KS Medicaid. If your son lost the book, call his worker.
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