treatment options

A Very Dear Friend of Mine Is Suffering From Drug and Alcohol Addiction. Are There Rehabs That Allow Child?

Question by beauty_davis: A very dear friend of mine is suffering from drug and alcohol addiction. Are there rehabs that allow child?
with you?
The facility she was offered appeared to be more of an over flow for the prison system and there didn’t appear to be a lot of sincere recovery going on. It was more of a situation for the other inpatients of either go to rehab or go to jail and seemed like another government agency and not a real rehabilitation,
She doesn’t have insurance and isn’t independently wealthy, She knows she needs help badly but doesn’t know where to turn except to friends but I don’t think I am being too helpful.

Best answer:

Answer by Chris
There are treatment centers for teens and adolescents. Make sure you do your research and see if the programs offer post treatment options and sober support. Many programs also offer payment plans or take insurance. Good luck with everything.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!



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