the oregonian

Good Morning, News!

Good Morning, News!

Filed under: Drug Use Portland

After Willamette Week only mildly raised the notion of drug use complicating the ongoing state investigation into ousted county chair Jeff Cogen this week, the Oregonian one-upped everybody. Based on the word of two anonymous sources leaking out …
Read more on The Portland Mercury (blog)


Portland police get in scuffle with Million Mask marchers

Filed under: Drug Use Portland

''There are quite a few things on the list of " topics " for this event, this will include but not limited to Government (this is a big gray area) Reform Education Pharmaceutical companies pushing meds War Constitutional rights Freedom Unity Drug abuse …
Read more on KATU


Jeff Cogen scandal: Why investigators aren't charging Cogen

Filed under: Drug Use Portland

In March, he requested his hotel be moved to a location about a half-mile from other Portland travelers. The new hotel … -Regarding allegations that Cogen used drugs, the report says "several people" told investigators that Cogen is a recreational …