substance abuse services

Okla. Governor Pledges to Seek Income Tax Cut

Okla. governor pledges to seek income tax cut

Filed under: drug abuse treatment plan

Fallin also said she plans to propose $ 16 million in new funding for the Oklahoma Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services and a $ 40 million boost in revenue to the Oklahoma Health Care Authority to cover an anticipated increase in the …
Read more on Albany Times Union


Weedless Wednesday High Point of Non-Smoking Week

Filed under: drug abuse treatment plan

Smoking is responsible for more deaths each year than drug and alcohol abuse, car crashes, AIDS, murder and suicide combined. According to the World Health Organization, every eight seconds, someone dies from a tobacco related illness. … If you are …
Read more on HQ Comox Valley


US foes of legal pot focus on risks to the brain

Filed under: drug abuse treatment plan

Kennedy has admitted to past drug use and has been treated for addiction to prescription painkillers. In November, voters in Washington state and Colorado approved measures to allow adult recreational pot use, despite a federal ban on the drug. Both …
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Kan. officials discuss possible prison legislation

Filed under: drug abuse treatment plan

Schultz said the recommendations could save the state money, much like a 2003 law that allowed low-level drug offenders to enter supervised treatment programs rather than go to state prison. That program saved the state about $ 10 million, he said. "The …
Read more on Emporia Gazette