substance abuse problems

Nestlé Exploits British Columbia's Water Laws to Bottle the Commons

Nestlé Exploits British Columbia's Water Laws To Bottle The Commons

Filed under: drug abuse treatment options

As the only province in Canada that doesn't regulate groundwater use, B.C. residents are calling on the provincial government to update the century-old Water Act saying that, without doing so, B.C. is ripe for such abuse. “The province does not license …
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Who really benefits from illegal marijuana in New Jersey?

Filed under: drug abuse treatment options

There are more than 20,000 marijuana possession arrests each year in New Jersey; about half of all drug-related arrests in the state. Those arrested for marijuana are often given the option to complete substance abuse treatment/education programs …


Options available for youth with alcohol problems

Filed under: drug abuse treatment options

In the Bismarck area, there are five facilities that treat adolescent substance abuse problems. The only public treat-ment facility, run by the state, is the West Central Human Service Center. The facility is the only one that treats juveniles, ages 14 …
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