Prescription Drugs

Why Do People Find It Necessary to Abuse Prescription Drugs?

Question by jmsovins: Why do people find it necessary to abuse prescription drugs?
I find it so discracful to use a perscription drug. Do you think that you know better then your doctor, or do your parents tell you that your wrong in how you are feeling?
I find it so discracful to use a perscription drug. Do you think that you know better then your doctor, or do your parents tell you that your wrong in how you are feeling? Im not talking about when some one gets addicted after they are given the drugs by a doctor.

Best answer:

Answer by loosewheel
Some prescription drugs are extremely addictive. Parents and doctors can’t explain away an addiction. Sometimes treatment is necessary.

Prescription drugs are very dangerous, and I only take them when absolutely necessary (and never anything that is potentially addictive). Some people do take them recreationally though, and become addicted. They still need help whether they got them from a doctor or not.

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