Prescription Drugs

Your Reaction to Matt Hardy Being Told to Go to Rehab?

Question by “Jim Crockett Promotions Fan”: Your reaction to Matt Hardy being told to go to rehab?
Former WWE and TNA wrestler Matt Hardy was essentially told by authorities in North Carolina to attend rehab or face a tough legal situation following three arrests in the span of one month. Hardy will still have to face charges stemming from his third recent arrest, which was for drug possession, after he attends rehab.

“That is only part of the release order,” said Moore County District Attorney Maureen Krueger to The Pilot newspaper. “It also states that he must comply with a treatment program or be placed in the detention center under a $ 1 million bond.”

According to the report, when Hardy was released to attend rehab, he agreed to a “promise to appear” on the drug charges since the release was tied to him entering rehab for substance abuse.

Hardy’s third arrest followed a search of his home on September 14 that yielded steroids, ecstasy, prescription drugs, and cash. Hardy was charged with possessing a controlled substance with intent to sell or deliver, possessing a controlled substance, maintaining a dwelling for use of drugs, and misdemeanor possession of drug paraphernalia.

Best answer:

Answer by Stingette (watching from the rafters of the ws)
oh no not matt hardy as well, i never knew that

What do you think? Answer below!



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