Q: My Bro Drinks Himself Under the Bottle, What to Do?
Question by Tatiana: Q: My bro drinks himself under the bottle, what to do?
Is there a better program than Narconon?
I posted the first question about 2 weeks ago and I only got 2 answers. Although the first answer was not bad I think the best answer should have been Narconon’s as this answer made a lot of sense and it provided links to more information that made even more sense.
At this point I think me and my family are going to take my bro to Narconon if I don’t hear any best advice.
What I really want to know from you is if there is a better program than Narconon and why. Please provide links.
Some of the things that impressed me more than all the other programs that I have investigated is that the Narconon program is natural, it does not use drugs, it claims to have the best detox in the world, it offers some educational studies that help the addict to face life without drugs. This program is also internationally recognized and it is approved by a national heath organization. This is a non-profit organization and one of the most economical we found.
One other thing that impressed me the most is that each student (they call them students not patients) completes when he completes all the requirements, which is why the duration of the program may take from a month to maybe 6 months. (Most finish in about 3 months-that’s what I understood). All of which is new to me and my family because we have gone through 3 rehabs and even my bro says that this program is different and he might accept my family’s invitation. We personally can’t wait and we are planning to take him this weekend if I don’t hear of a better answer.
Please keep unkind comments about Narconon, I’ve already read plenty of these.
Thanks for your help.
Best answer:
Answer by Servant7
ask God for help 🙂
he can step in and help.
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!