mood swings

Why Do I Have Such Bad PMS?

...  criteria for PMS is one developed by the University of California, San Diego. To meet these diagnostic criteria for PMS, a woman must self-report at least one physical symptom and one mental symptom during the five days preceding menstruation. These symptoms are: The Physical Symptoms Of PMS Sore, tender breasts Headache Abdominal bloating (the most common physical symptom) Swelling of the extremities Mental Symptoms of PMS Fatigue (the most common mental symptom) Angry outbursts or mood swings Irritability Confusion Social withdrawal The next requirement for a diagnosis of PMS is that these symptoms must disappear by Day 4 and not recur until Day 14. Finally, these symptoms must be present in the absence of any pharmacological treatments, hormone ingestion, or drug or alcohol use. Social or economic performance must also be identifiably dysfunctional by one of the following for true diagnosis of PMS. Marriage or relationship issues, confirmed by the partner of the woman ...  a severe form of PMS that includes severe symptoms of depression, anxiety, and irritability before menstruation begins. These symptoms must occur during the last week before menstruation starts. Approximately three to eight percent of menstruating women experience PMDD. According to the DSM-IV, the accepted diagnostic criteria for PMDD must include at least five of the following symptoms: Feeling sad, hopeless, or suicidal Severe feelings of stress, tension, or anxiety or having panic attacks Mood swings that include bouts of crying Constant irritability or anger that affects other people Loss of interest in usual daily activities and relationships Problem with ability to concentrate or focus Fatigue or loss of normal energy Food cravings or bingeing Give your answer to this question below!  Tags: mood swings, health care provider, health care, panic attack, symptoms of pms, san diego ...