methadone clinic

Why Am I Still Very Worried About My Boyfriend? Please Help?

Question by M.Lizz: Why am I still very worried about my boyfriend? Please help?
Bfs parents kicked him out last Friday over money dispute, he stayed at my house from then until Monday afternoon. He left Monday attempting to go home and his phone was off, he had been using mine. Nobody had any way of contacting him and he has a bit of a substance problem. (he’s checking into a methadone clinic soon) a friend of his had called me late last night and expressed how worried he was and we talked for a bit and then he said he’d ring his house in the morning (I don’t have his parents house number). So sometime around 1 pm he messages me on facebook to say he’s okay, alive and well and thanked me for giving him a place to stay. The thing that strikes me as odd is he called me and his friend from a pay phone after he left my house yet he didn’t call us when he got home and then all day yesterday his Facebook said “online” or “idle” on the chat icons (the blue crescent moon and the online green dot). Yet he didn’t like any statuses or make any and he didn’t read the message I sent him after he left until today yet his profile said he was online. Why am I still worried that something happened to him between the days he left my house?

We’ve been dating for over a year now. I didn’t ask any negative opinions about his addiction, I asked a question. Anything negative will get reported. So, I’d appreciate it if any and all negative comments be kept to yourself. and those of you who aren’t on here to judge people, thank you. 🙂

Best answer:

Answer by VintageGurl
If I were you I would try to get him the help he needs…even if he fusses about it. He might be plotting to hurt himself….you never know. I would try to get in contact with his folks and express that you are worried about him.

The local police can do a welfare check on him.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!