medical care

Could the Rehabilitation Center Be in Trouble for Denying Me Medical Care?

Question by Cali~ Braydens Mama: Could the rehabilitation center be in trouble for denying me medical care?
I was sent to a rehab due to drugs, (I don’t need a lecture) however, a day after I got there, I was peeing blood and was in immense pain. I made it clear to the people there that I just wanted to go home, and I didn’t want to be there, but I was clearly in pain. I told a counselor, and the head of the program, and I was told that I was faking it, and I “just wanted to get out of the program”…

2 days later, after the pain had gotten worse, I told them there was a possibility that I was pregnant, and they made me pee in a cup to get tested.. While doing so, they saw the blood in my urine, and rushed me to the ER, MIND YOU, Only after debating with me that I put cranberry juice in my pee to make it that color.

I got to the ER, and was admitted, and diagnosed with an extremely bad kidney infection, They’re keeping me until at least thursday, and I got here on Friday.

Could they be in trouble for denying me medical care while I was in so much pain?
im under the age of 18

Best answer:

Answer by Stuart
Depends. Were you involuntarily committed to the rehab place? I mean, were you there against your will? If so, then they had a duty to act and provide reasonable medical care.

If you were voluntarily committed to the rehab place – that is, you checked yourself in, then you were technically free to leave, and your medical care was your own responsibility.

In either case, they took you to the emergency room, got you admitted, and you are being cared for. Pretty much the end of the story.

– Stuart

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!



Outpatient Drug Rehab – Outpatient Drug Rehab – Supporting recovering addicts as they take back their lives. (877) 903-2532 Outpatient drug rehab at The Recovery Place kept Jim from being “thrown back to the wolves.” Jim explains, “Before, in other facilities, I finished the treatment for 30 days and they sent me home. I did not have any coping skills, and I fell right back into bad habits. But with the transition into The Recovery Place’s outpatient program I was still under continuing care with the treatment center. I was just not ready to jump right back into regular society.” In other attempts at recovery at other treatment centers, Jim spent 30 days in a residential drug treatment program and was discharged with no back-up support. The outpatient drug rehab program team at the Recovery Place helps clients transition back into their lives in a supportive and more structured way. Jim’s been clean for 3 years now.


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