inpatient drug rehab

Inpatient Drug Rehab How Does It Work?

...  by Janice: Inpatient Drug Rehab How does it work? A few questions. Only if you know the answer no guesses please. thank you. this is for somebody that was recently in jail. Is this in a home that is supervised by a police officer or probation officer? Is the home both male and female patients? Is the patient allowed to leave the home whenever they want? Is it actually effective? Can the patient have a vehicle and cell phone? Can the patient have company such as the opposite sex come visit them? Best answer: Answer by i + iIt is going to vary quite a bit from one rehab center to the other. Below is a link with some general information. I suggest you contact the various centers available to you and ask these questions directly. Add your own answer in the comments!     Ryan Florida Drug Addiction Rehab Success Story – Inpatient Rehab –  Tags: inpatient drug rehab, rehab center, drug addiction rehab, drug addiction, probation officer, drug addict ...