inpatient drug rehab

Will These Kids Be Adopted or Stay in a Foster Home?

Question by Jason: Will These kids be adopted or stay in a foster home?
My stepson has two siblings that are in foster care from his mom. They were taken away due to her drug use. they are o1 1/2 and 3 1/2 years old. she was supposed to complete inpatient rehab but has refused. how long will they give her to do this or well they place the children up for adoption? We are in Ohio.

Best answer:

Answer by Taydoo
The national standard for foster care is if the children are in care for 15 of the past 22 months, there needs to be permanency. This could mean eminently reuniting with the family or adoption. Now, is this guideline always followed? no. But it is the standard. So your Stepson’s mother has about 15 months to pull it together before other resources are considered. If you are interested in taking custody of the kids, you should find the case worker and at least do visits with these kids now and not wait that long though.

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