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Former FAU Head Football Coach Denies Drug Use and Seeks Reinstatement

Former FAU Head Football Coach denies drug use and seeks reinstatement Filed under: drug addiction help online Pelini said that Chun had acknowledged that the “denial of illegal drug use was irrelevant because [Pelini] was being relieved of [his] duties for failure to supervise [his] staff.” Both FAU Defensive Line Coach Matt Edwards and Allison Stewart, who … Read more on University Press  State Wants Access To VA's Prescription Drug Records Filed under: drug addiction help online Ohio Board of Pharmacy officials are troubled by the failure of the Veterans Health Administration to fully participate in the state's secure online prescription drug monitoring program. Jesse Wimberly, a spokesman for the Ohio Board of Pharmacy, told … Read more on  UNODC: Urgent need to strengthen and scale-up action against illicit drugs Filed under: drug addiction help online Also, the number of drug treatment centers increased by 58% between 2009 and 2012 but over ...