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Can My Boyfriend Pass His 72 Hour Drug Test Tuesday Morning if He Drank Saturday Night?

Question by Zora: Can my boyfriend pass his 72 hour drug test tuesday morning if he drank Saturday night?
My boyfriend is in a drug treatment program, drug court. He has to take a 72 hour drug test tomorrow morning (tuesday) and he drank Saturday night. He did not do any drugs, he just drank. My question is, can he pass it if he drinks shit loads of water and cranberry juice?? Does this 72 hour drug test thing even detect alcohol? Or is it just drugs that it detects?

Best answer:

Answer by azcards_666
it depends on what type of program he is in if he is in a alcohol rehab then yea he will pass the test becuase alcohol only stays in your system for 24 hours.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!


Officials gather to celebrate Veterans Treatment Court

Filed under: alcohol and drug treatment programs

"The mentor program is what separates this court from the other treatment courts, and it's been shown that the mentors help change the lives … of our veterans here," Bradley said. … Participants also must submit to random drug and alcohol screening.
Read more on Columbia Daily Tribune


Drug Detox Hoboken Helps Alcoholics Cope in Social Drinking Situations

Filed under: alcohol and drug treatment programs

Social drinking has become acceptable in mainstream society. This has made alcohol treatment particularly tricky. Alcoholism is also hard to treat because it's legal and can be found anywhere. This is why Drug Detox Hoboken has implemented programs to …
Read more on PR Web (press release)


Mayor admits to buying illicit drugs within past two years

Filed under: alcohol and drug treatment programs

Toronto's embattled mayor admitted Wednesday to buying illicit drugs within the last two years as council members threw questions at him in an unprecedented grilling about his drug use and drinking habits. Ford made the stunning admission in response …
Read more on CP24 Toronto’s Breaking News


Homeless Connecticut vets, once ignored, get needed support

Filed under: alcohol and drug treatment programs

Called Veterans Affairs Supportive Housing, or HUD-VASH, vouchers, the money helps place veterans in housing so the VA then can wrap around other support services, such as mental health assistance, substance abuse treatment and job training. Since 2008 …
Read more on New Haven Register