heroin addict

LI Lacks Drug Treatment Spots, Expert Tells Suffolk Lawmakers

LI lacks drug treatment spots, expert tells Suffolk lawmakers

Filed under: alcohol and drug abuse treatment

Long Island is not equipped to offer treatment and detoxification to a growing number of heroin addicts, a drug and alcohol addiction expert told Suffolk County lawmakers Thursday. Jeffrey L. Reynolds, executive director of Long Island Council on …
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Special Report: State spends millions on addiction-fighting drug that is

Filed under: alcohol and drug abuse treatment

State officials say buprenorphine treatment costs the state about $ 400 to $ 500 per patient per month. The support services that are supposed to accompany medication therapy cost another $ 500 per month, according to the Alcohol and Drug Abuse Services …
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Drug symposium an eye opener

Filed under: alcohol and drug abuse treatment

Drug addiction isn't just a community problem for Carly Davis, though she's noticed it's become more prevalent in rural West Salem where she lives. It has hurt her family. It has hurt her … Members of the task force are working on plans to reduce …
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Alcohol, substance abuse recovery group being formed for LGBT community

Filed under: alcohol and drug abuse treatment

Paulette Sackett, marketing specialist for Recovery Resources, said the new group is being formed “because we recognize there is a need for substance abuse treatment among the LGBT population and feel that perhaps a targeted group will help those …
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