emergency department

With a Limited Amount of Funding, Which Drug Abuse System Would You Consider the Best?

Question by rhodalumpkin: With a limited amount of funding, which drug abuse system would you consider the best?
Several ways to address drug abuse are treatment, enforcement, interdiction, and prevention. With a limited amount of funding, which of these four ways would you emphasize?

Best answer:

Answer by SPLATT
The cheapest is shooting the drug dealers, without trial.

Have their families pay for the bullet, just as China does.

Add your own answer in the comments!


Drug epidemic could be eased with expanded treatment

Filed under: drug abuse treatment

As state officials continue to scratch their heads about how to deal with the drug abuse epidemic in West Virginia, they should investigate whether expanded treatment – again, both in prisons and for those not yet arrested – may help ease the epidemic.
Read more on Martinsburg Journal


UAMS Cites Success in Methamphetamine Addiction Treatment

Filed under: drug abuse treatment

In 2010, more than 100,000 were admitted to drug abuse treatment with methamphetamine as their primary substance of abuse. In addition, there were 54.9 emergency department visits per 100,000 population aged 21 or older involving methamphetamine …
Read more on KARK


Minneapolis-based drug treatment program fined

Filed under: drug abuse treatment

Minnesota regulators have disciplined a Minneapolis chemical dependency treatment provider they say violated policies regarding the use of methadone in treating opiate addiction. Specialized Treatment Services, which applied for a license to operate a …
Read more on Pioneer Press


From Twitter:

#Gossip #CelebrityNews Does Demi Moore need treatment for drug abuse? http://t.co/7By22eGn #Producer – by i_DemiMoore (Demi Moore News)


From Twitter:

Do you know what a holistic rehab facility is? Read our interview with Holistic Light, a holistic rehab in Costa Rica. http://t.co/aNvaRnUN – by sobrietyaddict (Rachael Ekinci)


From Twitter:

Evidence-Based Approaches to Drug Addiction Treatment | National Institute on Drug Abuse http://t.co/E4im8USN – by AnonymousHands (Clay Simmons)