emergency department

Legal Pot to Be Grown Commercially in Windsor?

Legal pot to be grown commercially in Windsor?

Filed under: does drug abuse treatment work

A local businessman hopes Windsor can jump in on the ground floor of a Canadian industry so new it hasn't even started yet, but one which has already caught the attention of police and other authorities. City council … Health Canada currently issues …
Read more on Windsor Star (blog)


Dr. Roger D. Weiss earns Hazelden's Dan Anderson Research Award

Filed under: does drug abuse treatment work

"Abuse of prescription opioids is a significant public health and policy concern, with increasing rates of nonmedical use, emergency department visits, addiction treatment episodes, overdose deaths and costs related to these drugs in recent years" said …
Read more on Phys.Org (press release)


Cocaine addiction: stuck in a protein loop?

Filed under: does drug abuse treatment work

While we're hoping to develop pharmacological agents to tackle addiction, I think in the long run this will be achieved with genetic medicine as it develops over the coming decades. Professor A.J. Robison … The work was funded by the US National …
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Probation for using elderly woman's bank card

Filed under: does drug abuse treatment work

Peachey had been addicted to oxycodone but he is in the methadone treatment program for painkiller addiction. A pre-sentence report indicated there is some drug use still occurring in the Peachey household. Peachey is a good hands-on worker and expects …
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