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Who’s Done Job Corp?

Question by Doodie Doodie: Who’s done job corp?
tell me how it is please and i would like to yahoo message [email protected] to learn more and ask question

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Answer by ?
i have done it. did absolutley nothing for me because i did one of the “office” trades. DO NOT take graphic design, accounting, business office technologies, etc. THERE ARE NO OFFICE JOBS. I took accounting and it was a joke, they taught us how to balance a checkbook and how to file, well, files. Not even any quickbooks training or anything useful. desktop design/graphic design kids just played around in photoshop all day. Take a skilled trade. Skilled trades make bank, they can make more than someone with a bachelors degree and are always in demand. Some types of welders make over 100k per year. Electrician, masonry, plumbing, welding, carpentry, auto mechanic, etc always in demand; you will never want for work. Diesel mechanic is another one of those that make bank and always needed. Dont waste your time with the security trade if you have any kind of record. you wont be able to get a job.

Do not flash your money or take anything valuable to job corps. it will get stolen. The students on campus are largley the at-risk segment of the population. There was a kid on campus where iwent, who had to get reconstructive surgery on his face because he got beat that bad over 14 dollars.

oh, and depending on the campus you go to, you might be in there with a bunch of hood trash who are only in there to milk the system for a free ride. when i was in, there were people in there 2 years and still had not gotten their HSD or GED. Don’t get caught up in trying to fit in either… there are some people who are in there because they are trouble and want to make trouble. People were smoking pot and having sex all over campus on the weekends.

The “wellness center” has a generalized idea about the females in there too. They try to pressure them all into going on the Depo provera shot. The treatment i got from wellness center was quite insulting at times.

IF you have piercings, do not disclose it… hide them. NO piercings allowed, even if they cant be seen.

Job corp is an institution, like the military. They own you once you’re in. You don’t get to run around and do as you want and one screw up, like getting in a fight, failing a drug test, leaving campus wihtout approval,skipping class, can get you kicked out. Getting arrested off campus can get you kicked out.

Also, everything your recruiter tells you, is not true. they told me Job corps paid for everybody’s college once they got out. NOT TRUE. They only HELP with college for the people who have kids. They will however, help you get grants or loans, scolarships elsewhere… but its a lie that they “pay for your college”

Once you get to the point that you have a job off-campus, do not just quit or play hookey. Quitting a job off campus for any reason will get you booted out.

Do take advantage of all the extracrahicular programs like volunteer work and if you have enough time left after your first trade, get a second trade as well.

do not let being afraid to leave home hold you back. it held me back so ijust went to the job corps that was closest to me (FULL OF HOOD TRASH) instead of one with some programs that would have actually trained me in something useful.

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