drug free

Why Do People Think Theres a Difference Betweed Tobacco, Alcohol and Other Drugs?

Question by Henry: Why do people think theres a difference betweed tobacco, alcohol and other drugs?
I mean studies have shown that alcohol and tobacco are the most dangerous of drugs and have the addiction potential beyond that of cocaine, heroin and meth. Alcohol is as much of a drug as any, and marijuana is far safer than the two and isnt typically addictive. Other drugs like MDMA and LSD arent either and are portrayed as these terrible things that will ruin your life. People say they will remain “alcohol, tobacco, and drug free” when alcohol and tobacco are of the worst and most harmful drugs out there. There really isnt a difference

Best answer:

Answer by Allen
Because the government can allow the sale and taxation of alcohol and tobacco…. It’s sad, but reality.

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