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Amphetamine Abuse (Strange Symptom)?

Question by lancee813: Amphetamine Abuse (strange symptom)?
I know someone (60 yrs. old) who was abusing dexadrine and then adderall for over a year, during this time I noticed that they were constantly humming this short tune, over and over and over again, all the time. This humming began around the time the abuse began. He was combining the amphetamines with Vicodin , Effexor, and Seroquel. He has supposedly been clean of the amphetamines for the last month yet the humming continues. Could this possibly be a sign of brain damage from the drug abuse? Also, why did the drug induce this constant humming in the first place? Thanks for any help..

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Powerful synthetic stimulant. Benzedrine was the earliest amphetamine marketed, used as a ‘pep pill’ in World War II to help soldiers to overcome fatigue, and until the 1970s amphetamines were prescribed by doctors as an appetite suppressant for weight loss; as an antidepressant, to induce euphoria; and as a stimulant, to increase alertness.

Indications for its use today are very restricted because of severe side effects, including addiction. It is a sulphate or phosphate form of C9H13N.

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Also called: Chalk, Crystal, Glass, Ice, Meth, Speed, Tina
Methamphetamine is a very addictive stimulant drug. It can be smoked, injected, inhaled or taken by mouth. It has many street names, such as speed, meth, and chalk. Methamphetamine hydrochloride, the crystal form inhaled by smoking, is referred to as ice, crystal, glass and tina.

Methamphetamine affects the brain and can create feelings of pleasure, increase energy and elevate mood. Abusers may become addicted quickly, needing higher doses more often. Adverse health effects include irregular heartbeat, increased blood pressure and a variety of psychological problems. Long-term effects may include severe mental disorders, memory loss and severe dental problems.

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Methamphetamine Pills(Partnership for a Drug-Free America)
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ClinicalTrials.gov: Methamphetamine(National Institutes of Health)
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Brain Activity Patterns Signal Risk of Relapse to Methamphetamine(National Institute on Drug Abuse)
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Methamphetamine: Abuse and Addiction Glossary(National Institute on Drug Abuse)
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Amphetamines / Methamphetamines(Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration)
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Methamphetamine(Office of National Drug Control Policy)
Methamphetamine Use(Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration)
Primary Methamphetamine/Amphetamine Admissions to Substance Abuse Treatment: 2005(Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration)
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Children at Clandestine Methamphetamine Labs: Helping Meth’s Youngest Victims(Dept. of Justice, Office for Victims of Crime) – Links to PDF
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Tips for Teens: The Truth about Methamphetamine(Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration)
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U.S. National Library of Medicine, 8600 Rockville Pike, Bethesda, MD 20894
National Institutes of Health | Department of Health & Human Services Date last updated: 15 April 2008
Topic last reviewed: 11 November 2007

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