drug court program

Liberace Ex-Lover Scott Thorson Draws Probation for Burglary, ID Theft

Liberace ex-lover Scott Thorson draws probation for burglary, ID theft

Filed under: drug rehab treatment methods

The judge also rejected prosecutors' request Thorson be ordered to inpatient drug treatment and instead sent him to the county's outpatient drug court program. Thorson … "The defendant's perception of his own celebrity is an obstacle to his recovery …
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Psychiatrists decry mental health care in Africa

Filed under: drug rehab treatment methods

The drugs given to many of Africa's psychiatric patients are often administered to keep the patients asleep so the hurried nurses can get some rest, and those who can't sleep may have their hands or feet tied up. Yet these patients may be considered …
Read more on Las Vegas Sun


No prison for Liberace ex after Nev. brothel test

Filed under: drug rehab treatment methods

Hof, whose brothel was featured in the HBO series "Cathouse," said he moved Thorson into his guest house behind the brothel so Thorson can get treatment for colon cancer and drug problems. Thorson has had prior run-ins with the law relating to drugs …
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