drug court program

Lowe's Robber Receives Light Sentence So He Can Turn Life Around

Lowe's Robber Receives Light Sentence So He Can Turn Life Around

Filed under: drug treatment programs in prison

Assistant Rockingham County Attorney Brad Bolton said all but 71 days — the amount of jail time Deleon has already served — of that sentence will be deferred, though, if Deleon is able to complete the drug treatment program in which he's currently …
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Mississippi drug courts growing but short on money

Filed under: drug treatment programs in prison

Chris Epps View full sizeMississippi Corrections Commissioner Chris Epps said it costs $ 41.51 per day to house an inmate in the state prison system. That compares to $ 7.89 per day for a person to be in the drug court program. … They have better …
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Calif. prison realignment: Some women are serving more time in custody (photos)

Filed under: drug treatment programs in prison

Some, like Riverside, Orange, San Francisco, and Contra Costa, have utilized jail alternatives like residential drug treatment programs or split sentencing, which allows an offender to serve a portion of their time on probation instead of in jail. Los …
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Female inmates' treatment is evolving

Filed under: drug treatment programs in prison

When Jeannette Murphy first stepped onto the grounds of the Washington Corrections Center for Women 30 years ago, she recalls encountering tennis courts and what she terms the “patty-cake" treatment of inmates by prison staff. Murphy, imprisoned for …
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