drug addiction treatment

STRIVING for 'IMPREFECTION': On Becoming a Statistic

STRIVING FOR 'IMPREFECTION': On becoming a statistic

Filed under: drug addiction treatment statistics

On one page, one can watch “real-time world statistics” on all classes of information. For example, as I write this at 10:12 in the morning, there have … Drug addiction should be treated, not punished. It's a disease, and like any chronic ailment …
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Drug legalization claims are cloudy

Filed under: drug addiction treatment statistics

The data don't actually show that drug prohibition is futile, that its negative side effects are worsening or that legalization would eliminate the social-policy dilemmas and trade-offs posed by drug abuse. Does drug prohibition achieve its main goal …
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Lewis Yablonsky dies at 89; Cal State Northridge sociologist

Filed under: drug addiction treatment statistics

His work treating drug addicts in Santa Monica with reformed alcoholic Charles Dederich resulted in "The Tunnel Back: Synanon" (1965), a provocative early study of the rehabilitation program before it took on cult overtones and became associated with …
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