drug abuse prevention


Question by junior92: creatine??
hey, i was wondering if Creatine-Monohydrate is a good supplement for a 15yr old (male who plays rugby) to take.
i wanna gain some weight!!

Best answer:

Answer by yoyoyoyo
rugby is wack
play football

What do you think? Answer below!



Drug prevention in India: Beyond Medical Model – On 25th June 2012 ,the eve of International Day against Drug abuse and Illicit Trafficking, Lok Sabha (Indian Parliament) National Television invited Mr.Suneel Vatsyayan, Chairman, Nada India Foundation to participate in a discussion on Alcohol and drug abuse Prevention . The other main panelists were Dr. Rajat Ray, Member, International Narcotics Control Board and Head Department of Psychiatry – All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Mr.TRMeena (IAS) Joint Secretary (Drug Prevention ) Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment (Government of India) and Clinical Psychologist of Mulachand Hospital Delhi. The Lok Manch Program was moderated by Mr.Anurag Dixit . In the beginning of the discussion, Mr.TRMeena talked in detail about the programs and collaborations with Nehru Yuva Kendras of Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports and National Balbhawan and its nation wide franchises and centers under Ministry of Human Resource development for creating awareness about drug abuse as drug demand reduction measure. Mr.Vatsyayan pointed out that there is a yawning gap between the streets or ‘natural settings’ associated with drug use or the outreach worker and the threshold of the drug treatment program where the drug user is expected to arrive committed, ready or interested in quitting drugs. Mr.Vatsyayan emphasized on two basic approaches one is the use of ear acupuncture at all stages of addiction treatment & rehabilitation and peer based interventions. He further added that social