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Detox Minneapolis | Addiction Treatment | Detox Minneapolis


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Denosumab/Teriparatide Combo Bests Single-Agent Bone Therapy

Filed under: drug addiction treatment minneapolis

News Digital Network. MINNEAPOLIS – Combining the antiresorptive denosumab with the anabolic agent teriparatide increased bone mineral density more than either drug alone in postmenopausal women at high fracture risk in the ongoing DATA study.
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Ultrafiltration Fails To Show Benefit In Acute Heart Failure

Filed under: drug addiction treatment minneapolis

UF was inferior to standard pharmacologic therapy as assessed by the primary endpoint of the trial, which was the bivariate change in serum cretinine and weight measured at 96 hours. Weight loss was similar between the groups (5.5 kg in the drug …
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Minnesota officials: Starving of boy 'egregious'

Filed under: drug addiction treatment minneapolis

Should marijuana be treated like alcohol? Or should it remain in the same legal category as heroin and the most dangerous drugs? Votes this week by …. MINNEAPOLIS (AP) – Officials are asking a judge to terminate the parental rights of a Minnesota …
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