criminal justice

Oakland County Cancer Doctor Accused of Unnecessary Treatments, Defrauding

Oakland County cancer doctor accused of unnecessary treatments, defrauding

Filed under: drug treatment centers in michigan

End-of-life patients were pumped full of drugs that couldn't help them anymore. … The complaint says Fata intentionally misdiagnosed patients “as having cancer to justify unnecessary cancer treatment.” The Oakland Township doctor — who owns and …
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If released on million bond, doctor accused of ordering unnecessary

Filed under: drug treatment centers in michigan

Federal prosecutors based its accusations on FBI interviews with employees of the doctor's Michigan Hematology Oncology Centers, which include offices in Clarkston, Bloomfield Hills, Lapeer, Sterling Heights, Troy and Oak Park. … misdiagnosis to …


Plymouth center helps addicts fight demons

Filed under: drug treatment centers in michigan

PNLH is a treatment center for addictions, primarily drug and alcohol. At any given time the center is treating some 70 people in one program or another. “This place saved my life, in all ways,” said Freedom, who admitted to addictions to alcohol and …


Eric Holder Throws Down Gauntlet On Criminal Justice Reform

Filed under: drug treatment centers in michigan

The mass and disproportionate incarceration of people of color in America's prisons has been at the center of calls for reform in the justice system by civil rights groups, leaders of human rights associations, activists, and former law enforcement …
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