Mental Health Care in Georgia?
... beginning of the summer when he took ecstasy; it caused a bad chemical reaction which made him have to be hospitalized in the mental health ward of the local medical college here. After a week of being there, he was released. Ever since then, he’s gotten progressively worse. In the past two and a half months alone, he’s overdosed twice (nearly dying the first time). He’s spent about $ 8000 on prescription medication (obtained illegally through “friends”) and crack cocaine, as well as using his Internal Medicine doctor to get prescriptions for vast amounts of Clonopin and such. He’s been put in a drug rehab facility twice and the “regular” hospital once in the past two months. The other night, he flew into a rage, stole medicine from my parents (morphine, soma, etc.), and physically attacked my father. He also verbally threatened to physically hurt the rest of the family. We called the police on him, and he attempted to hop over ...