community service

Do You Know That the Only Ones Who Give Us Life and Liberty Are Our Service Members?

Question by Leonardo: Do you know that the only ones who give us life and liberty are our service members?
It’s the Soldier, not the reporter
Who has given us the freedom of the press.

It’s the Soldier, not the poet,
Who has given us the freedom of speech.

It’s the Soldier, not the politicians
That ensures our right to Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.

It’s the Soldier who salutes the flag,
Who serves beneath the flag,
And whose coffin is draped by the flag.

Best answer:

Answer by dstr
Freedom of the press is guaranteed by the constitution, not the solder, the Solders role is to protect and defend the constitution, from enemies both foreign and domestic.

What do you think? Answer below!


Three graduate alternative sentencing programs

Filed under: drug treatment centers in washington state

Drug courts are intensive treatment programs which focus on community service, counseling, routine and random drug screens and developing an independent lifestyle both free from addiction and autonomous through work and education. … None of this …
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FDA move aims to curb opiate abuse as painkiller addiction rises in county

Filed under: drug treatment centers in washington state

A city substance abuse treatment center has seen an increase of at least 70 percent in clients treated for opiate dependency in the past three years. … A $ 300,000 state grant received last summer also could help stem the tide. … existed among …
Read more on Berkshire Eagle


Editorial: Legalize medical marijuana

Filed under: drug treatment centers in washington state

With legalization efforts in bloom all over the country, and 20 states plus Washington, D.C., allowing medical marijuana, many recognize cannabis' potential to treat painful conditions without the sometimes-debilitating side effects of powerful …
Read more on UI The Daily Iowan


Rep. Radel takes leave of absence

Filed under: drug treatment centers in washington state

The freshman congressman, who represents a solidly Republican district in southwest Florida, said at his court appearance that he'll enter a rehab program. He will also pay a $ 250 fine on the misdemeanor charge. Radel, 37, vowed that he will "come out …
Read more on First Coast News