chemical dependency

Where Can I Find a Consultant to Help Me to Get Certified for Alcohol & Drug Treatment Center in Ca?

Question by USImporter: Where can i find a consultant to help me to get certified for Alcohol & Drug Treatment Center in Ca?
I am planing to start outpatient AOD Treatment Center and I need some experianced consultant who can guide me from start up.

Best answer:

Answer by packinrat
You don’t need a consultant.

The state will require the place be run by an experienced certified treatment professional. If you have that, you have your consultant.

They will not accept the credentials of a part time or temporary consultant sorry.

You could open up a sober house and operate it a while then get your cetification and start your treatment center.

Facilities that provide a cooperative living arrangement (sometimes referred to as a sober living environment, tansitional housing, or alcohol and drug free housing) for persons recovering from alcohol and/or other drug problems. It is important to note that while sober living environments or alcohol and drug free housing are not required to be licensed
by ADP, business permits or clearances may be required by the local cities or counties in which the houses are located.
• Facilities with licenses from other departments (e.g., group homes licensed by the Department of Social Services; Chemical Dependency Recovery Hospitals licensed by
the Department of Health Services).


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