breast cancer

Recognition and Treatment of Food Addiction 4 – Computer.m4v


Recognition and Treatment of Food Addiction 4 – Computer.m4v – A speech given April 25, 2009 at “Obesity and Food Addiction Summit” Uploaded with consent of Kay Sheppard, speaker. Kay Sheppard, MA, LMHC, CEDS, an addicti…


'Flesh-eating' drug reported in area

Filed under: drug abuse treatment specialist

Dr. Abhin Singla, director of addiction services at Presence St. Joseph Hospital, last week reported treating five people with signs of addiction to krokodil, an injected drug that provides a heroin-like high but leaves gangrenous wounds and scaly …
Read more on Chicago Tribune


Unsafe Abortions

Filed under: drug abuse treatment specialist

This drug was licensed for the treatment of stomach ulcer, but was noted to make the neck of the womb weak and lead to the expulsion of the contents of the uterus. Cytotec is used in hospitals … Cytotec, for example, if abused, causes over …


Breast Cancer Diagnosis, Treatment Advances Improving Lives

Filed under: drug abuse treatment specialist

Mammograms make it possible to detect breast cancer in earlier stages, and medical advances are resulting in better treatment options. Posted: Monday ….. Parallel with this are developing new applications of cancer drugs that can more directly attack …
Read more on Tulsa World