addiction recovery

Is There Any Available Drug Abuse Treatment in St. Paul, Minnesota?

Question by josh: Is there any available drug abuse treatment in St. Paul, Minnesota?
I wonder if there is any available drug abuse treatment for cocaine. I now live in New York but I decided that if I really want to get treated, I want it to be in my hometown which is St. Paul, Minnesota. I’ve been battling this addiction for quite some time now and I guess I just got tired of it so now I wanted to start all over.

Best answer:

Answer by bumblebee
St Paul Metro Treatment Center

Addiction Recovery Profressional INC.

Good luck with teratment.

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Specialist offers prescription for treatment of legal-medication addiction

Filed under: drug abuse treatment

If you tell kids pot leads to heroin, they'll do it anyway. Santoro's mission: Show that addiction is a medical condition that deserves the same attention, resources and treatment opportunities as other epidemics like cancer or diabetes. "We've got to …
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Prescription drug abuse now more deadly than heroin, cocaine combined

Filed under: drug abuse treatment

Besides expanding access to PDMPs, the report urges training for doctors and others on prescription drug abuse, and for an expansion of private and public insurance programs to cover the full range of substance-abuse treatment. Levy says that the …
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