STOP Playing “Rehab” by Amy Whinehouse on Rock Stations!?

Question by goiowa6: STOP playing “Rehab” by Amy Whinehouse on rock stations!?
This song is constantly played on every “good” station in my local scene, even ROCK STATIONS. Not only does this song suck, it’s not even rock (obviously).

Do you support my opinion, and why?
Des Moines, IA
I wish i could give you all best answer, you all rock.

I only listen to the radio in my car.

Best answer:

Answer by sugarchick1369
Honestly I rarely hear it on the radio. Where do you live? I am in Charlotte NC.
I am surprised I dont hear it. Usually radio stations all over tend to play out the same songs…

Add your own answer in the comments!



Holistic – Ripple Recovery Ranch is a residential drug & alcohol rehabilitation facility that specializes in the treatment of substance ab…


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7 Responses to STOP Playing “Rehab” by Amy Whinehouse on Rock Stations!?

  • Fonzie T says:

    You need to turn off the radio, man. If it’s getting to the point where AW is considered “rock’….

    Go for ‘Net radio, man. Forget mainstream stations. The same 10, tired songs over & over…

  • pixieturtle23 says:

    I agree!!!!!
    Ive even heard it on the tv
    I hate the song(if thats what you wanna call it) and they should NOT play it on Rock Stations, you should call and complain..

  • GothicAngel says:

    i support u!the song got more a jazz theme! she looks horrible in the vid! she repeats the same exact thing! The rythm don’t go with the words! The song has practicly no meaning!! get it of the rock sations!!!!!1

  • HDJeep66 says:

    When that song comes on I turn the station! I’d rather listen to news.

  • abcdefgHI says:

    YES honestly i do because i’ve never heard the whole song other than that iwannagootorehabtheysaynonono and i seen that coke ho up on stage performng on ET and she just stood there huming then walked off stage in the middle of her show and then i see a pic of her out a 4am on the street of new york in a bra with no makeup and jeans with sum white baggy tucked in her bra. she looked like marylin manson as a horse instead of just looking like a horse she’s a coke ho and anybody who buys her music is buying her drugs

  • Rckets says:

    I agree. The only way radio gets the message is when listeners turn it off in droves. Once the advertising revenue starts to dwindle, perhaps then radio will change. I’m doing my part not just as a political message but the music sucks hardcore. Go with satellite or Internet radio.

    Also, very irresponsible to be playing that particular song. Obviously, Amy thinks it’s a joke that she has a serious drug problem.

  • Name Her Insomnia says:

    Honestly, I don’t even listen to the radio anymore. My local rock sattion is completly crap now. all they play is FOB< MCR and P!@TD. I agree with you. But what can we do except wait until the teenyboppers stop obssesing over Gerard's eyeliner?

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