Rich, White, Hetero Males vs the United Victims of the Diversity Rainbow – an

Rich, white, hetero males vs the United Victims of the Diversity Rainbow – an

Filed under: drug addiction news blog

On crime, the Left tends to see young offenders as victims, “the most vulnerable members of society”, except in the case of violence against women. Domestic abuse is (rightly) a big issue for magazines like the New Statesman, yet if you really wanted …
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Whistling Past the Gun Lobby

Filed under: drug addiction news blog

I follow your blog and writings quite closely and am in awe of your insight. I'm about as liberal as you can get on … Inner city drug abuse is rampant,solution:shoot as many young black men as possible, before media reacts. Need to make a fashion …
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Cool it, Reason

Filed under: drug addiction news blog

Marc Piscotty/Getty Images. On the Reason blog, Mike Riggs denounces my Newsweek column against marijuana legalization. … Those words are an abridgment and paraphrase of this assessment by the National Institute on Drug Abuse. Research clearly …
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