Pregnant Addict Daughter – Help Needed to Find Detox Facility?

Question by ann025788: Pregnant addict daughter – help needed to find detox facility?
My 21 year old daughter is 7 weeks pregnant (1st child) and a herion addict. She has gone through detox several times in the past but never able to stay clean.
She wants to keep the baby but doesn’t know where to turn for help with her pregnancy in regards to the drug abuse (mainlining). Does anyone have suggestions? We live in IL, she has no job, insurance, etc.

Best answer:

Answer by Shannon S
Lord all mighty, i feel sorry for the baby if she don’t kick this habit. No druggie should have a child. However i found this website and i think you should check it out, might be of some assistance to ur daughter. Best of luck and i hope she can quit if she really wants to keep the baby then she will.

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