I’m 16 and I’ve Been Thinking About Cutting Myself again…What Should I Do?

Question by Jun Fan Li: I’m 16 and I’ve been thinking about cutting myself again…What should I do?
Lately I’ve been thinking about cutting myself. I used to do it pretty often last year and the year before. When I first started out I would just scrape the top of my hands with a knife until they bled. Then I began to actually start slicing into my arm with kitchen knives. In myright forearm I cut the word LOVE for a special someone and then later on I cut ANGER backwords into my other forearm, because my actions reflect my anger.

It’s been almost a year since I’ve cut myself, but latley I’ve been thinking about cutting a heart into my stomach and one over my right eye. idk why though…it just seems like a nice idea….plus i’ve been really depressed over that same special someone, so I’ve also been thinking about cuttting their name into my body somewhere. What should I do?
just to let you know, i do seee a counselour. And she has said that I possibly suffer from Bipolar Personality Disorder and manic depression….but don’t worry, I’m no longer suicidal
just to let you know, i do seee a counselour. And she has said that I possibly suffer from Bipolar Personality Disorder and manic depression….but don’t worry, I’m no longer suicidal

Best answer:

Answer by Mikayla M
DON’T DO IT. Nothing good comes out of it. Just more trouble. It’s not worth it. THINK before about the outcome. Please don’t do it though. It’s hard being a teenager but you can get through it. Try to deal with your anger in a different way.

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