I Would Like to Find More Information Regarding Substance Abuse Treatment in Sullivan, Maine. How?

Question by aiyana ts: I would like to find more information regarding substance abuse treatment in Sullivan, Maine. How?
I want to know more about substance abuse treatment, specifically about the treatment of prescription drug addiction. I already did a research on the Internet, but I feel that the information I have found is not enough. Any suggestions?

Best answer:

Answer by anahy e
I think you should go to substance abuse treatment centers. They’ll surely be able to provide you with more information regarding treatment methods, as well as the kinds of therapies that they offer to the patients. To find the treatment centers, you can use the links below. You can also go to the local hospital and ask one of the hospital staff to give you a list of the treatment centers in your area. Good luck! I do hope that you get the information you need.

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Born Addicted: Treating Drug-Dependent Babies – Hospitals in Florida and elsewhere are grappling with the latest fallout from the epidemic of prescription-drug abuse: babies born addicted to painkillers. The newborns present new challenges for hospitals. Photo: Jason Henry/The Wall Street Journal Subscribe to the WSJ Live YouTube Channel – www.youtube.com More WSJLive YouTube: www.youtube.com Facebook: www.facebook.com Twitter: twitter.com WSJ: www.wsj.com