I Am 20, Trying to Get Into Impatient Rehab but Don’t Know What It’s Classified as and I Don’t Have Insurance.?

Question by Spooner: I am 20, trying to get into impatient rehab but don’t know what it’s classified as and I don’t have insurance.?
I’m not looking for drug rehab or alcohol rehab.
I’m mentally unstable: suicidal
I just generally need impatient care where I can focus on getting myself better. I need to be away from my family and friends because I lie about how I feel habitually to make everyone happy, or what I feel will make it easier on them. I feel insane and really want to get help, but I don’t have insurance and I’m not sure what you have to be like to get impatient care. I’m afraid of myself and what I will do because where as I’m quite intelligent and able to look at myself and see what others can see, my emotions are taking over and I terrified that I will lose my logical/rational self to the blackness and numbness I feel and kill myself. This isn’t where I need suicide help, that is only a effect of the real problem, a problem I’m not sure how to ask for help with. I tried one on one therapy but it did not work for me. I need to step back with my life, go seek help that will specialize in helping me understand, and where I can focus on the underlying problems. I am looking for Ohio rehab centers, but don’t know because of my money prob (no insurance). I have a history of sexual abuse, which is probably where these problems have originated from. I apologize for the randomness of this post, but I’m not sleeping much and my mind is generally gone. Blackness and fuzzy thick thoughts are all I feel for the most part.

Best answer:

Answer by Gabe
Look for MHMR centers. aka mental health mental retardation. They offer free counselors, case workers, psychiatrists, social workers, and even medications if needed. I have insurance, but no income, so i get my stuff free.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!



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