How Do You Get Someone Free Help, Like Drug Rehab, When They Cannot Help Themselves?

Question by Nina: how do you get someone free help, like drug rehab, when they cannot help themselves?
my brother is addicted to drugs and he calls us me and my other brothers and sisters and ask for money, we know it is for the drugs but he says the dealers know where he lives and if he does not pay, than they will hurt him and our family, but if we give him the money he might just buy more drugs, he is in his late 30s, and he feels his life is worthless, filled with failures, he did get his ged, he started hanging out with the wrong crowd as a teenager and I guess he never grew up, he is older than most of my siblings and we constantly worry about him, I worry that he might wind up dead one day, and the worst part is that he does not care if he gets hurt or not, we tell him that he is hurting us and our parents too but he always find a way to get back into trouble, drugs, alcohol, fights, how do I help him?

Best answer:

Answer by Violet Pearl
Take to him to a Narc Anon meeting.
He won’t change until he’s ready to change, so sorry to say, there’s little you can do. I’m sure he’ll buy more drugs with any money you give him

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