How Do I Find Out More Information About an Appeal.?

Question by Ashe T: How do I find out more information about an appeal.?
My gf was sentenced to 20 months in prison after being caught with a syringe. The syringe was analyzed and the residue found to be heroin and cocaine. She was charged with possession on both counts. She accepted a plea agreement for probation and dropped dirty at her psi (pre sentencing investigation). She had put herself into a intensive drug treatment program and had requested that she be placed into a 28 day drug rehab program. She was waiting on medicaid approval so she could be placed on suboxon. Her drug use had decreased immensely in the previous 4 months. At sentencing the judge threw out her plea bargin and sentenced her to 20 months in prison. A notice of appeal was filed on her behalf. She had no knowledge before I told her today about the appeal. How can I find out what is going on her trial attorney is no longer involved in her case. who filed the appeal. Her attorney didn’t and she didn’t so who did. Greene County Ohio common pleas court.

Best answer:

Answer by Jack
Call the court clerk’s office Ph: (937) 562-5290
They can either give you information about the case (including who the current attorney is), or tell you how to find that information.

Your GF needs serious intervention. If you are a user (at all), and you care for her, you should stay far from her life.

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