Heroin Users Among Us: Drug Is Becoming More Upscale

Heroin users among us: Drug is becoming more upscale

Filed under: Drug Treatment Portland

Siegel said he has seen some indications, in talking with professionals at treatment centers, that the profile of heroin “users seem to be a bit younger than it used to be, in their 20s and early 30s. It was 30s, early 40s years ago.” As the type of …
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A Guided Tour of Portland's (Other) Colleges

Filed under: Drug Treatment Portland

Directed by Alexandra Spalding, this has the look and feel of a long-forgotten Super 8 from an old family vacation that's been drug out of the attic. (Yep, that's Neko Case singing on this track.) Veirs … Minden shot this hot number around various …
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Specialty Compounding recalls sterile medications

Filed under: Drug Treatment Portland

All of the cases involved treatment that included IV infusions of calcium gluconate from Specialty Compounding. There is a potential association between the infections and the medication, the notice states. It adds that if there is microbial …
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