DRUGS – My 21 Yr Old Daughter Has Relapsed. She Went Thru Drug Treatment Program?

Question by coral6803: DRUGS – My 21 yr old daughter has relapsed. She went thru drug treatment program?
and now lives with me. I found marij in her car . She is bipolar and will not take her med. I have another daughter that is 8. I am so stressed, that I don’t want her living here if she is doing drugs. I just got done having thyroid surgery, cancer and am just worn out. SHe starts college today. I found her lying on her bed last night, she was on something……I need help ……

Best answer:

Answer by churchlady
Please get your daughter some help. I know you mentioned that she had just gone through a rehab program, but it sounds as though it was not enough. I had a nephew that had the same problem, and eventually my sister had to put him in a program we have in our area called “Hope House”. It is a program run by our Catholic Charities, and sponsored by our Bishop. It is a great program. He stayed right there, for about six months. It helped him where nothing else could. He was a complete mess too. Today is happy, has a wonderful job nd has adopted a little girl. You may check in your area to see if you have something through Catholic Charities, as you do not have to be Catholic to use the program. Your daughter needs a lot of help. I had a daughter that had problems like that too, and she went to a Half Way House and she turned out just fine. Sometimes it can take several tries to get the problem resolved. Better to have the help now – I don’t know how this will work out with her going to school and all, but it could become much worse when she starts college. I know ust what you are going through, and I know what your daughter is going through. I saw it first hand in my own family and it is a terrible thing. Awful to watch and even worse to be the one going through it. Along with all your health problems, I am sure it is extra stressful for you. I will keep all of you in my prayers, that you will find the help that your daughter needs. I hope that you will let us know how she makes out.
Best of luck to you and God bless you.

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