Drug Addiction, Alcoholism and Dual Diagnosis in the Gay and Lesbian

Drug Addiction, Alcoholism and Dual Diagnosis in the Gay and Lesbian

Filed under: drug addiction treatment

For those gay addicts or gay alcoholics seeking drug rehab or alcohol rehab, there are gay drug rehabs, gay alcohol rehabs or drug rehabs with gay addiction treatment components where a gay or lesbian can expect to receive addiction treatment in a safe …
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Methadone replacement therapy reduces drug addiction cases

Filed under: drug addiction treatment

THE methadone replacement therapy has managed to reduce the number of drug addiction cases, including for heroin, from 21,981 in 2005 to 7,180 in 2012. Deputy Health Minister Datuk Seri Dr Hilmi Yahaya said the treatment had also resulted in reduced …
Read more on The Borneo Post


Help or Hurt? Outpatient Drug Treatment for the Homeless

Filed under: drug addiction treatment

These findings suggest that type of substance abuse may be overemphasized as a predictor of outpatient drug-free treatment retention, and that greater emphasis should be placed on tailoring treatment to patients' cultural, gender and vocational needs.
Read more on Scientific American (blog)